Mitford Parish Council 


01 December 2015

Mitford Village Show Important Notice

On behalf of Mitford Village Show

Our Chairman has announced that he will be retiring from the role, following 18 years in the job. To date we have been unable to find a replacement Chairman and consequently there is a real chance that the 2016 Show may not go ahead. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in joining the Committee with a view to working with the current Chairman leading up to the 2016 Show, could you please contact:

  • Brian Talkes 517952
  • Irene Bruce 517656
  • Teresa Scott 505710

Or any other committee member.

© 2015 Mitford Parish Council

26 November 2015

Mitford Parish Council Public Notice

A meeting of the Parish Council is to be held at 7.30pm on wednesday 2nd December 2015 in The Plough Inn, Mitford.

This notice is for the general public who are invited to attend.

Please find a link to the agenda here "Mitford Parish Council Meeting 2nd December 2015"

Please NOTE this is an update to the previously advertised message listing Mitford Village Hall as the venue. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

© 2015 Mitford Parish Council

17 August 2015

Mitford Village Show

29th Mitford Village Open Show at Mitford Village Hall - Saturday 22nd August from 2:00pm

The Annual Mitford Village Show is open to all comers and promises to be yet another great display of the gardening and crafting prowess of exhibitors from a broad area.

Exhibits can be benched from 08:30 to 11:30 on the day and all entries will be welcomed, with stewards on hand to help you position your products in the best way. Entry fee is just 25p per exhibit with prizes up to £6 for the top entries. The Show is then open to the public from 2:00 onwards. Come along and admire the display and enjoy afternoon tea and cakes with your friends and family.

The usual auction of products will take place at around 4:30 so take the opportunity to stock your larder with real home-made bargain produce.

Any queries to the Chairman on 01670517952.

© 2015 Mitford Parish Council

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