Mitford Parish Council 


26 March 2020


Northumberland County Council is launching a new initiative to support the phenomenal volunteering networks that have been rallying support across the county in response to COVID-19. The Council is launching "Northumberland Communities Together" - a dedicated team which will help harness the power of local community volunteers whilst making sure the county's most vulnerable residents are protected.

Please see here for more information and how to register your interest

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

02 March 2020

What’s going on in Mitford this March ?

Tuesday 3rd March
The Plough Inn – Buskers Night

Wednesday 4th March  
Cancelled - 7.30pm – Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall

Friday 6th March
12.00 noon – Coffee and a cake – Café des Amis, Morpeth

Tuesday 10th March  
7.30pm – Historical Society meeting, Village Hall

Every Tuesday
10.00am – Pilates class in the Village Hall – only £5 per session or £24 for a six-week block

Every Wednesday
7.00pm – 9.00pm – Table tennis in the Village Hall – new members always welcome

Every Thursday
7.00pm – 8.00pm – FitSteps fitness/dance class in the Village Hall – £4 per session and with a loyalty card, the 10th class is free or £34 for a block of 10 weeks

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

18 February 2020

Community Governance Review

Morpeth Town Council (MTC) has requested that a community governance review be carried out with a view to amending its boundaries with Hebron, Hepscott and Mitford Parish Councils.  If any of the changes are agreed, then there will be a follow on effect on the County Council Electoral Divisions of Longhorsley, Pegswood and Morpeth North. The deadline for comments on MTC's request is Friday 28 February 2020. Further details are available on the Northumberland County Council (NCC) website.

Mitford Parish Council's formal response to NCC as part of this consultation can be read here and a map showing the proposed changes can be viewed here

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

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