Mitford Parish Council 


18 June 2020

Audit of Accounts 2019/2020

The Mitford Parish Council accounts for 2019 / 2020 have been audited successfully and are now available to view here

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

18 June 2020


The Parish Council have been informed that there’s been a marked increase in poaching,

graffiti, fly-tipping and trespassing over the last few weeks. It’s essential that incidents like this are reported to the Police – either by calling 101 or leaving an online submission at – so that an accurate record can be established. A new police Rural Crime team has been operational from Monday this week, so your help in reporting will better help them tackle these issues.

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

12 June 2020

Lowering the Flag

Following a suggestion made to the Parish Council, it’s been agreed that upon the death of a parish resident, the flag at the entrance to Fontside can be flown at half-mast on the day of the funeral. The Parish Council recognises that this will be a sad and emotional time and either the family can make the request directly or a parish councillor will discreetly speak with the family, if they are known.

The policy can be read here

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

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