Mitford Parish Council 


02 December 2020


A community project is currently underway, supported by the Parish Council, to try and get fibre broadband into the village. Many residents experience very slow broadband speeds, but there are national and local funding streams available – around £1500 per household, plus some ‘top up’ funding via the scheme – and if enough households in the village sign up to the project, then this could amount to a sizeable pot of money, to attract a fibre provider to install the necessary kit. You should have received a leaflet about this and there’s also information on the noticeboards. Already around 30 households have joined, which is great – but more are needed! If you’re interested, please email with your name, address and landline number.

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

18 November 2020

ROAD CLOSURE – w/c 7th December 2020

It’s anticipated that the road from the B6343 junction heading up Spital Hill, along St Leonard’s Lane and then along the short link to the A1 junction, will be closed from Monday 7th December 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020. The closure will be between the hours of 0800 and 1600 and is to allow for repairs to a cycle track and drainage works.

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

20 August 2020

ROAD CLOSURE – w/c 24th August 2020

It’s anticipated that the Mitford Road (B6343) will be fully closed just after the turning for High House Lane as you travel towards Morpeth (at Newminster Abbey Cottage) up to Lowford Bridge near the rugby club. This is to repair a previous landslip and improve river defences. The work may take up to 4 weeks (i.e. possible completion not until around 18th September) and the road closure is for 24 hours per day. Access for pedestrians and emergency vehicles will be achievable at all times.

Communication about this with nearby schools has been requested as has the potential for the road to be open in the evening – any updates to follow.

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

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