Mitford Parish Council 


24 March 2021


Around 50 households have already formally signed up to make use of the government’s free voucher scheme (worth at least £1500 per household) in order to obtain full fibre broadband to their premises (FFTP) provided by “Alncom”.

Alncom are now ready to commence the service delivery of FFTP to those who have registered and claimed their government voucher.

It’s still not too late to join in if you wish to gain the benefits of FFTP – do contact Alncom as soon as possible if this is the right thing for you. The deadline remains as 31st March to claim the free government voucher.

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

09 March 2021

VILLAGE BROADBAND - Tuesday 9th March 3pm - 7 pm

Last week, all households should have received a newsletter with an update on the full fibre community project. Remember that the deadline for claiming a government voucher is fast approaching. If you have any queries on the service which could be provided by Alncom, don’t forget that 2 representatives from the firm (John Parker and Tim Bendix) will be in the pub car park (with appropriate social distancing) from 3pm – 7pm on Tuesday 9th March and will be happy to answer your questions.

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

22 December 2020


A huge “Thank You” to those who responded to the recent community project to try and get fibre broadband to homes in the village. A grand total of 74 households expressed an interest, and the details were passed to OpenReach on Monday 21st December. Further updates will be posted throughout the process.

In the meantime, Happy Christmas, best wishes for 2021 and keep safe.

© 2020 Mitford Parish Council

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