Mitford Parish Council 


27 April 2021


Unfortunately, there’s been a number of reports of increased dog fouling on the grass verges as you enter Mitford, the Fontside greens and various pavements.

We all know it’s an owner’s responsibility to pick up after their dog and it’s easy to carry a poo bag or two in a pocket; there are waste bins at the entrance to the village, opposite the Plough and at the entrance to Fontside.

What else can be done? Do we need more bins? Signs to remind dog walkers to “pick it up and bin it”?

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

12 April 2021


The Parish Council has been approached regarding access to the Castle and the Mitford Estate have provided the following statement.

“I am sure you have been made aware that Mitford Estate has been forced to take action to close the Castle grounds to the public. It is with much regret that we have had to take such action however due to recent events we have felt that we have not had any other alternative. I would like to make you and other members of the Parish Council aware of the issues we have been facing:

• Antisocial behaviour including estate staff having to remove drug and alcohol paraphernalia from the area

• Fires being lit and then extinguished with broken beer bottles

• Estate staff being verbally abused

• The grounds being used as a toilet facility

• Members of the public using metal detectors and digging up the ground inside the Castle

• Members of the public using the area as a camping site, leaving items of dirty/soiled clothing and sleeping bags

• Barbecues being lit and causing damage to the Castle walls


The police have been called on numerous occasions which has resulted in us taking this action.

I am sorry that the action of a number of individuals has resulted in the grounds being closed off however I am sure you understand that we cannot allow the Castle and surrounding area to be disrespected and abused in this manner.”

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

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