Mitford Parish Council 


21 June 2021

Mitford Village Hall – AGM

Monday 28 June at 7.00pm in the village hall

With appropriate COVID arrangements, the Village Hall AGM will take place as above. The current Management Committee will be depleted by the retirement of the secretary, from that date. This leaves the committee seriously down on personnel as they are already working with too few members. If no one comes forward to join the committee, then there may be little alternative but to close the hall, albeit temporarily, until new personnel are recruited. As there is currently good usage of the hall, this would be detrimental to the village and surrounding areas as well as the groups who have supported the hall by using it on a regular basis.

PLEASE, if you are reading this, give some thought to volunteering for the Village Hall Committee. It is not an onerous task! Meetings usually take place monthly, but may not be required each month. The hall has been almost fully refurbished in recent years with a new floor laid this year and Fast fibre broadband has also been installed. There will undoubtedly be maintenance requirements from time to time as is usual for any building. Plans are in the pipeline for concertina doors to divide the main all into two to enable more small groups to use it at the same time. This will increase the usage and also the revenue. Accounts show the hall is financially sound, therefore fund raising is not required at present. One less task for the committee!

Finally, please do support the Village Hall by coming to the AGM; if you can let us know of your attendance in advance, that would be useful.

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

28 April 2021


29 April – 4 May: traffic lights (multi-way signals) B6343 Mitford Road near the bridge / Spital Hill for NCC roadworks.

30 April – 5 May: Traffic control (give and take) at Fontside for OpenReach works.

© 2021 Mitford Parish Council

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