Mitford Parish Council 


© 2019 Mitford Parish Council

28 November 2018

Mitford Village Hall – Christmas Coffee Morning

Saturday 1st December  10.00am – 12 noon

To welcome in the final month of the year, why not come along to the Mitford Village Hall Christmas coffee morning on Saturday 1st December between 10.00am and 12noon.  A selection refreshments, cakes and mince pies will be available.

Entry and car parking is free.

Hope to see you there. 

© 2018 Mitford Parish Council

21 November 2018

Christmas Wreath Workshop

Learn how to make your own Christmas wreath at a workshop in the Village Hall on Saturday 15th December.
Two sessions are available - either 10am or 1.30pm. The cost is £20 which includes all materials and refreshments.

To book or for more information, contact

Floral Gift
07704 288254

© 2018 Mitford Parish Council

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