Mitford Parish Council 


03 August 2017

Volunteers needed

There was no Village Flower Show this year due to the organising committee having to stand down after last year’s show. Volunteers willing to help bring forward a show for 2018 would be most welcome - so if you’d like to lend a hand, please get in touch with us –

© 2017 Mitford Parish Council

26 June 2017

Congratulations to Elaine Scott and Brian Talkes

Congratulations to Elaine Scott and Brian Talkes, who were both made Honorary Freemen of the Parish of Mitford by the Parish Council, having served as Councillors for 17 years. They were presented with a scroll bestowing the honour at the Parish Council's AGM last month. Elaine has been the driving force behind the successful continuation of the Village Fair and took special interest in matters concerning the Fontside area. Brian spent some time as Chairman and latterly Vice-Chairman and also chaired the Mitford Flower Show for 19 years; he also served on the Village Hall Committee for many years, being one of the key figures behind its recent refurbishment. They were thanked for their considerable contribution and were wished well for the future.


© 2017 Mitford Parish Council

23 June 2017


There are only a few tickets left for the next Historical Society event on Tuesday 27th June at 7.30pm – An Evening with John Grundy talking on the “Architecture of Northumberland” . There will be a raffle and refreshments and tickets are priced at £10. Contact Vera Filer on 01670 510886 for more information. 

© 2017 Mitford Parish Council

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